New In-Hand Images of McFarlane Halo Series 6 Figures

My friend VIKING SPAWN has added the new wave of McFarlane (Series 6) Halo figures to his gallery! He hasn’t scored the Target or Walgreens exclusives yet, but the basic wave and the TRU exclusive are all ready to go. Click HERE (or click the McFarlane tab under the banner at the top of the page) to visit the SpartanSwag McFarlane page for direct links to each figure in Vike’s gallery. If you haven’t seen any of his pics yet, you’re in for a treat. He takes photos from every possible angle, packaged and loose. All individual parts (weapons and accessories) are photoed individually as well.

[NOTE: This article is a piece of recovered archive data from the old website. Some links, images, or videos may no longer be available.]

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