Halo Spartan Assault Game in the Works?


From The Sixth Axis:

“E3 is now only 9 days away and it’s there we should get answers for what exactly the next generation of consoles will have for us. Microsoft will be there in force to show off the Xbox One and the games that will launch with it.
In fact, according to recent statements, their whole conference will be about the games. They mentioned in the Xbox One reveal that there would be a number of exclusives. Forza 5 was one of them and now it appears Halo: Spartan Assault could be another.
Domains of that title have been spotted by Fusible including HaloSpartanAssault.com. What we don’t know is what exactly the title refers to but there are three major possibilities as to what Spartan Assault could be.”

Click HERE to read more!

[NOTE: This article is a piece of recovered archive data from the old HaloCollectors.com website. Some links, images, or videos may no longer be available.]

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