Filtering the Halo Bulletin (9-5-12)

This week’s Halo Bulletin from bsangel has plenty of interesting facts to reveal, including:

– The Capture The Flag playlist at launch will only offer 2-Flag CTF, and will be played on 5 non-forged maps…

– A breakdown of all the new CTF mode rules and features…

– The armor options shown at PAX are the full set of armor that will be in the released game…

– The Mark VI armor will be unlocked by beating the campaign on Legendary…

– Each game mode will offer its own medal point system, so that people will be rewarded for playing the mode as intended (ed. as opposed to trying to rack up kills in objective gametypes and ignoring the objective like some of you jerks do)

– We will be getting a new video in next week’s bulletin (ed. A Hero Awakens Part 2?)

HERE to read the Halo Bulletin in its entirety!

[NOTE: This article is a piece of recovered archive data from the old website. Some links, images, or videos may no longer be available.]

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