Filtering the Halo Bulletin (3/7/12)

Image courtesy of IGN

Every week we get a tasty bulletin from bs angel at Halo Waypoint that covers various aspects of the Halo universe. This week in particular there was some useful info she brought us from Frankie about Halo 4. Some questions continue to get the vague treatment, but we did get some specific details sprinkled in that are relatively definitive. Here is a list of those facts, for your convenience:

– The multiplayer system will NOT be a “mirror image” or “exactly like any existing template” (including the perks of COD).
– There will be no multiplayer beta.
– The ranking system will be altered from its current state.
– The new Halo 4 version of Slayer “will score differently than the traditional 0-50 method.”
– “Assassinations are altered, but they’re back.”
– “The vast majority of our maps will be brand new, we also know what the ladies (and gents) like.” In other words, expect one or a select few classic maps.

– No background story from the expanded universe (books, comics, etc.) is required reading to understand the game plot, and vice versa. “Each Halo story will work as a standalone piece, but the more you experience, the more resonance (and Easter Eggs) you’ll get.”
– In regard to campaign, “there will be some very interesting new characters joining the fray.”
– “The Covenant will definitely return, albeit in a completely (graphically, politically and sonically) overhauled form, but they may be the least of your problems.”

– “There are no health pickups” (health packs), so the health system will change.
– The giant mech being built in the center of the multiplayer map Warhouse will not be playable, but at least one vehicle surprise coming “will dwarf that weapon.”
– “The BR is a three-shot burst weapon. It is hitscan. In its current tuning, it has recoil (not bloom) which causes it to rise slightly (in a predictable and suppressible way).”
– “You will not see bloom as it currently exists in Vanilla Reach on any weapon.”

Some very interesting stuff all around! To read more details, along with other less specific information, CLICK HERE to read the Halo Bulletin in its entirety at Halo Waypoint.

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[NOTE: This article is a piece of recovered archive data from the old website. Some links, images, or videos may no longer be available.]

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